Reisverslag Taalcursus Málaga 2018 Week 2 - Reisverslag uit Málaga, Spanje van Maxim Scholtes - Reisverslag Taalcursus Málaga 2018 Week 2 - Reisverslag uit Málaga, Spanje van Maxim Scholtes -

Reisverslag Taalcursus Málaga 2018 Week 2

Door: Maxim Scholtes

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Maxim

22 Juli 2018 | Spanje, Málaga

Here I am again folks.

Another week has passed and I have a lot to tell you, guys!
So buckle up and enjoy!

Monday, July 16th: classes didn't start until 2pm so I had planty of time to sleep in my new bed. The host family is great, the location is terrific and no more annoying roommates. Classes started at 2pm (as stated earlier) and they lasted until 8pm. Afterwards I went home and had dinner. Once that was done, I went to bed.

Tuesday, July 17th: classes started at 12.30pm and lasted until 5pm. Afterwards I went to the supermarket to do some grocery shopping. Having done that, I went home and had dinner. After that I went to bed.

Wednesday, July 18th: I had to get up early 'cause I had my next EF activity planned. It was something I had never done before and that has been on my bucket list for quite some time now. I went scuba diving! I was actually quite scared with all that added weight (oxygen tank predominantly) 'cause I'm not a huge fan of the water. I had to follow up the instructions flawlessly which I wasn't able to do on all occasions. But besides all the flaws, I made it back in one piece and I had a blast. It was absolutely beautiful to have experienced something like this. When we were done, we headed back to school. My classes started at 4pm and lasted until 8pm. Afterwards I went back home to have dinner, which was followed by a good night sleep.

Thursday, July 19th: Classes started at 8am so I had to wake up extremely early. Classes finished around noon. After classes I went to the beach with a good friend of mine. First we had lunch in a restaurant alongside the beach where they serve fish only. I ordered the calamares and my friend ordered a octopus (I can show you guys a photo when I get back). It was all right but I've seen better! After lunch we went to the beach and we took a relaxing swim in the Mediterranean. Around 5pm we left the beach and we headed to the supermarket to buy meat (lots of meat!) because EF was having a barbecue at school and we didn't wanna miss that. The barbecue was lovely, I met a lot of new people and I played a game of Cards against Humanity. I had a lot of fun that night. Around midnight I went home and then straight to bed.

Friday, July 20th: My classes started around 12.30pm but I had an activity planned that afternoon which I didn't want to miss and therefore I had no other option but to skip all my classes. I actually went to the centre of Málaga to visit the Alcazaba. It was quite impressive! Afterwards me and two other guys stayed in the city to eat tapas and as a desert a very large ice cream. Once we were done I headed back home to have some dinner and that night I went to a bar with some friends to share a laugh and a beer.

Saturday, July 21st: I slept in 'till 3 pm and around 4pm I headed into town. First I went to the supermarket to get some 'breakfast' and then I went to a cafe where I had a cappuccino and churros. Around 7pm I got a text from a friend asking me whether I had any plans for tonight. We decided to have dinner alongside the beach with some other people. Around 1pm I went home to get some rest.

Sunday, July 22nd: I had to get up early 'cause I had another EF activity planned: un descanso de cañones. Basically, you climb up a mountain and you 'walk' down a flowing river. It was great fun and I would do it again if I could. I got back home around 7pm where I had dinner and where I met my new roommate. And after dinner I've beem writing my blog.

All right, folks! That's all for now. I'll see you guys next week.



  • 23 Juli 2018 - 14:34


    Hoi Maxim, leuk dat je weer een blog bijhoudt en te lezen wat je allemaal doet en meemaakt. Veel plezier,ik verheug me op de volgende.

    Groetjes Lynnda

  • 23 Juli 2018 - 14:44

    Roger Scholtes:

    Lieve Maxim, elk weekend kijk ik uit naar je reisverslag. Fijn om te lezen, dat je nu een gezellig stekje bij een gastgezin gevonden hebt. Dingen leren, vriendschappen sluiten, talen leren, de vele aspecten van een land en de mensen leren begrijpen. Het is voor je verdere leven van groot belang. Ik hoop dat het ook een fijne opstap naar je studie is. Geniet. Ik kijk er naar uit je na de vakantie weer te zien. Lieve groet, papa.

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Hola, Mijn naam is Maxim, ik ben 19 jaar oud en ik woon in Tilburg. Ik ga deze zomervakantie vier weken naar Málaga toe om een cursus Spaans te volgen. Ik ga een dagboek bijhouden over mijn ervaringen in deze geweldige stad en iedere zondagavond zal er een nieuw verhaal online komen. Dit zal ook via sociale media verspreid worden, dus iedereen kan meelezen met mijn ervaringen in Málaga. Hasta la vista, Maxim

Actief sinds 10 Juli 2016
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08 Juli 2018 - 04 Augustus 2018

Taalcursus Málaga 2018

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