Reisverslag Taalcursus Málaga 2018 Week 3 - Reisverslag uit Málaga, Spanje van Maxim Scholtes - Reisverslag Taalcursus Málaga 2018 Week 3 - Reisverslag uit Málaga, Spanje van Maxim Scholtes -

Reisverslag Taalcursus Málaga 2018 Week 3

Door: Maxim Scholtes

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Maxim

29 Juli 2018 | Spanje, Málaga

Hi everyone, week 3 it is. Here we go!

Another week, another blog.

Remember: next Sunday will be my last blog and it will be written completely in Spanish!

Monday, July 23rd: I got up at 8am to accompany my new roommate to school for his first day. After that I went back home to get some more sleep 'cause my classes didn't start until 4pm. So, after a long nap I returned to school for my classes which lasted until 8pm. Afterwards I went home to have dinner with my host family, followed up by a good night sleep.

Tuesday, July 24th: Classes didn't start until 12.30pm so me and my roommate went to a café to eat some churros and have a coffee. After that, we went to the beach for a relaxing pre-noon nap. At 12.15pm I went back to school. Classes lasted until 5pm. After classes, I returned to the beach to play some beach soccer with some of the EF-students. I played wearing flip flops, which soon after broke down, meaning that I had to continue barefoot. The sand was so scorching hot that I was forced to quit playing. I went straight to a shoe store to buy a new pair of slippers. Afterwards I went to the supermarket to buy some stuff and then I went home to have dinner with my host family. After dinner me and my roommate went out for a drink. After that, we went home to get some sleep.

Wednesday, July 25th: I had to get up early 'cause at 8am I had another activity planned. I was going to do Stand Up Paddle Surf in Torremolinos. I was quite confident I could do it since I had done it once before (two years ago in Barcelona actually). As it turned out, I overestimated my 'balance skills' since I wasn't able to stand upright for more than 10 seconds ('cause I fell off my board all the time). Besides that, we weren't informed about the jellyfish swimming around that day and I was scared to death every time I saw one, resulting in a pretty safe but boring trip on a surfboard. Around 3pm we went back to school and at 4pm I had classes until 8pm. Afterwards I went back home to have dinner with my host family, followed up by a long walk along the boulevard with my roommate and ending with a drink in a bar. After that, we went back home to get to bed.

Thursday, July 26: I had classes starting at 8am and ending at noon. When classes were over I went to visit Gibralfaro, an ancient Arab fortress, from where you'll have one of the best vantage points of Málaga. Around 3.30pm I went back home to rest up a little bit. At 7pm I went back to school 'cause EF hosted a paella dinner. At 8pm all the food was eaten and I was still hungry so me and some friends went to a fish restaurant and afterwards to a bar for some drinks. Around 2am I went home.

Friday, July 27th: At noon I went to the cathedral of Málaga (which isn't remarkable in any way) and around 3pm I returned to school to witness the graduation of the departing students and to relax a little bit. Around 5.30pm me and two German friends went to have a pre-dinner snack 'cause one of them was leaving the next morning. After that we went home to rest up a bit and around 10pm we all headed into town to have some drinks (we also rode the ferris wheel) and by 3am we were back home to hit the bed.

Saturday, July 28th: I slept in 'till noon. At 2pm I had another activity planned. I went rafting, which I had never done before, and it was extremely awesome. Only problem was: my teammates weren't able to keep up with my pace and I wasn't able to adapt to them. So, in the end we were all over the place but it was really cool. Around 9pm we returned home where I had dinner and after that I went to bed exhausted.

Sunday, July 29th: I had to get up early 'cause yet another activity was about to unfold. We visited the beautiful city of Ronda, famously known for its iconic bridge (fun fact: Wie is de Mol Season 12 episode 9 was staged right there) and we also visited the famous harbour of Marbella, where loads of expensive boats are docked (don't forget about the cars). At last, we went to the city centre of Marbella. After that, we went home where I had dinner. The rest of the night I spent on writing this blog.

That's all for this week, y'all!
I hope to see you again next week for the big finale (when everything will be written in Spanish).

Take care, guys!


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Hola, Mijn naam is Maxim, ik ben 19 jaar oud en ik woon in Tilburg. Ik ga deze zomervakantie vier weken naar Málaga toe om een cursus Spaans te volgen. Ik ga een dagboek bijhouden over mijn ervaringen in deze geweldige stad en iedere zondagavond zal er een nieuw verhaal online komen. Dit zal ook via sociale media verspreid worden, dus iedereen kan meelezen met mijn ervaringen in Málaga. Hasta la vista, Maxim

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08 Juli 2018 - 04 Augustus 2018

Taalcursus Málaga 2018

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